Using Automagical Templates

This is a guide for Automagical Templates, showing you how to get started step-by-step.
Written by Erwin
Updated 3 years ago

In this guide, we will show you how to use Automagical Templates. We have two guides. A short guide and a longer, full guide further down this article.

Short guide

This guide will explain you how to use Automagical Templates. If you need more information, check out the full guide below. If you haven't installed Automagical Templates yet, follow the installation guide first.

Gmail on the web

Inbox view

Click on the red unicorn logo while in your Inbox view to see an overview of general information about the Addon. Here you can access the menu items for the Information Dashboard, Manage Templates, and Get Started options.

Message view

Click on the red unicorn logo while in an open message to see the Template options (see image below). Here you can create a draft reply from our library of Automagical Templates or save/edit/delete one of your own templates. See the Full guide below for more detailed information on each of these options.

Crimson unicorn logo in the sidebar

Gmail mobile App

You can also access Automagical Templates in the Gmail mobile app! There are 2 places to find Automagical Templates, both of which require you to have a message open.

Create drafts and manage templates

Click the red unicorn in the bottom bar of the message to access the Templates menu where you can create a new draft message, save a template from the current message, or manage your templates.

Select template to reply

Insert template into current reply

While you are in a draft reply, you can access Automagical Templates from the traffic light menu (3 vertical dots) in the upper right. Click on 'Insert from Automagical Templates' to access your templates. Clicking on a template will insert it into the current draft.

Full guide

This guide will explain you how to use Automagical Templates. If you need more information, reach out to us. If you haven't installed Automagical Templates yet, follow the installation guide first.

Accessing Google Workspace Addons

After installation, you can find Automagical Templates in the sidebar of Gmail. This is where the new generation of Google Workspace Addons live. Click on the small, red unicorn logo (see image below).

Crimson unicorn logo in the sidebar

Note: On mobile, Automagical Templates is available for Gmail in two different places. Tip: Are you part of a Google Workplace Domain (formerly Gsuite) and are you unable to install or open Automagical Templates? It could be that your Workplace Administrator has restricted installations. In that case, you could ask them to whitelist this add-on or install it domain-wide.

Inbox view

Click on the red unicorn logo while in your Inbox view to see an overview of general information about the Addon. Here you can access the menu items for the Information Dashboard, Manage Templates, and Get Started options.

Information Dashboard

The Information Dashboard is accessible from the menu when you are in the Inbox view or by clicking the back arrow in then menu when viewing a Gmail message.

It will display information about your subscription plan (information about the subscription plans can be found here), how many drafts you have inserted and how much time you have saved with those inserts!

Message view

Click on the red unicorn logo while in an open message to see the Template options (see image below). Here you can create a draft reply from our library of Automagical Templates or save/edit/delete one of your own templates. 

Crimson unicorn logo in the sidebar

Reply Templates

The reply templates is where all of your saved templates are stored as well as the library of Automagical Templates. You can insert a template as a Draft reply to the message that is open by clicking on the template you want to insert in one of the templates sections.

The templates show a preview of the message. If the message is long or contains images you still will only see a small preview of part of the email. The entire email will be inserted as a draft though.
If you already have started a draft, clicking on a template in the sidebar will NOT reload the draft shown in the open message. The draft is created and can be found in your Drafts folder or if you go back to the Inbox view and then open the message thread again. To insert into an open draft, click the red unicorn in the draft compose window.

There are 2 sections in the Reply Templates:

1. Your saved templates. 

Any templates that you have saved will show up here. They are only available to you. To save a template, click on the Save Template item in the main message window (click the 🠔 in the top bar to get there).

You can filter the templates shown by typing in a Title or Tag in the Filter Templates input. You can have a maximum of 30 templates saved currently. Please contact us if you need to have more and we will try to accommodate you. 

2. The library of Automagical Templates. This section is collapsible and is the library of Automagical Templates available to all users. If you have some requests for types of templates you would like to see, please let us know!

If you have a Domain license, you will also see all of the templates shared within your domain.

Domain license additions

With a domain license you will be able to share templates with everyone in your domain. You can check for the domain license status in your Information Dashboard.

Save domain template

If your domain has a domain license, you will have an additional menu item available to you from the message menu: Save to Domain Template. Click on that menu item to be able to save a template from your email.

Reply with Domain Template

With a domain license you have access to all the templates that have been saved to the Domain templates. These are available in the Domain Templates section. 

You will not have access to the individual saved templates from other people in your domain though, only the Domain templates.

Gmail mobile App

You can also access Automagical Templates in the Gmail mobile app! There are 2 places to find Automagical Templates, both of which require you to have a message open.

Create drafts and manage templates

Click the red unicorn in the bottom bar of the message to access the Templates menu where you can create a new draft message, save a template from the current message, or manage your templates.

Select template to reply

Insert template into current reply

While you are in a draft reply, you can access Automagical Templates from the traffic light menu (3 vertical dots) in the upper right. Click on 'Insert from Automagical Templates' to access your templates. Clicking on a template will insert it into the current draft.

Create Draft Reply

Click the Reply Templates menu to see your saved Templates and the library of Automagical Templates Click on a template to insert the draft as a reply in the open message.

Gmail Mobile App

The bottom panel will show a menu of available Addons. Select the Automagical Templates red unicorn icon and it will show the menu options. 

Create a draft reply

Click on the Reply Templates item in the menu. Choose the template to insert as a draft. 

On the mobile Gmail app, the draft will not automatically show up. Go to the previous menu and back into the message to see the draft to edit/send or go to the Drafts menu and click on the draft to edit/send.

Select template to reply

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